Teeth Whitening

If you live close to Beylikdüzü or Silivri, you can benefit from a teeth whitening procedure at our Sentez Dental Clinic. Teeth whitening is a cosmetic dentistry practice frequently recommended by dentists. We often recommend teeth whitening because it is one of the easiest ways to transform your smile. You can have teeth whitening done as a separate procedure or during your routine dentist visit.
Highlight Your Smile with Whiter Teeth

Types of Teeth Whitening
There are several types of teeth whitening you can try. People often start using whitening toothpaste at home. This can help brighten your teeth, but it's usually not enough to actually whiten them. We recommend toothpaste not on its own but as part of an overall teeth whitening treatment. After professional whitening, toothpaste can help keep your teeth bright. Many people can try over-the-counter solutions such as whitening kits or strips. These treatments work but are not as good as professional solutions. As with most things, what you buy at the store is not as strong as what you can get from a medical professional. Additionally, whitening kits purchased online or in a store are designed to fit everyone's teeth, not specifically yours. This means they can become loose and the solution can leak, causing gum irritation. If you live in Beylikdüzü and Silivri, we recommend you to make an appointment with Sentez Dental. Our professional teeth whitening solutions can dynamically transform the appearance of your teeth. This is partly due to the power of the solution we use. Professional-quality whitening gel can whiten teeth eight shades or more, as opposed to the approximately two shades with store-bought solutions. If you are looking for immediate and dramatic results, in-clinic whitening is a much better option.
Beylikdüzü and Silivri Teeth Whitening
Frequently Asked Questions About Teeth Whitening
Sensitivity from teeth whitening is always temporary. If there is any sensitivity caused by whitening, it disappears 1-2 days after the treatment and the patient returns to the sensitivity level before starting the whitening process.
Most people are good candidates for teeth whitening, but again, each situation is unique and it is best to contact your dentist.
Typically, you can expect whitening to last six months to two years, although some studies report results lasting up to 10 years. Avoiding red wine, coffee and cigarettes, which can cause staining, helps maintain results.
Yes, many studies have proven that teeth whitening is safe. You can protect your tooth enamel by using calcium sulfate and fluoride.
Teeth whitening prices vary widely. The price will vary depending on the condition of your teeth, especially if you want professional whitening done in a clinic. You can get information about this by contacting us.